Summer Program Stats
No. of Summer Associates (2023): 12
No. of 2L Offers (2022): 10 out of 10
Summer Associate Salary:
Summer Associate: $4,327 weekly
Summer Program Length:
10 weeks
Summer Program Contact
Claire Patten
Attorney Recruiting Manager
1L Summers: Yes
Assigned to Specific Practice Area: No
Split Summer with Another Firm: No
Split Summer with Another Office: No
When Does Firm Begin Accepting Resumes for Summer Program: Rolling
Offices with a Summer Program
- Washington, DC
Schools Firm Visits for OCI
- American University Washington College of Law
- George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School
- Georgetown Law
- George Washington University Law School
- Harvard Law School
- Howard University School of Law
- University of Virginia School of Law
- Washington and Lee University School of Law
Career Fairs Attended
- Lavender Law Career Fair
Our Survey Says
Training & Assignments
- “The work was both substantive and interesting. Even the more research-heavy projects were not ‘make-work,’ but were instead complex and nuanced legal issues that were necessary for drafting appellate briefs and other substantive briefing.”
- “My projects were stimulating and either drove me toward practice areas in which I hoped to be placed or drove me away from practice areas that were not for me. I received high-quality, detailed feedback for each assignment.”
- “The firm has a database in which summer associates can pick different projects in different practice groups throughout the firm. Summer associates receive training on legal writing, research, and workload management. Summer associates also can attend training throughout the summer and participate in a mock deposition during the summer.”
- “The firm gave us a low billable-hours requirement, which I thought was a good way to introduce us to the billing process. This requirement also made the firm's expectations very clear, which I also appreciated.”
Social Opportunities
- “There were many opportunities to meet attorneys from different practice groups. People at Wiley are generally warm and welcoming.”
- “There are social events throughout the summer, including a very fun kick-off party. Firm attorneys make it a point to always be available to take summer associates to lunch. The summer associates also all get mentors who attend events with them throughout the summer, including cooking classes, Top Golf, etc.”
- “The social events were well attended and a lot of fun. Our summer class was particularly close. We attended events together both within and outside of the firm. Even specific practice groups held non-firm-sponsored events to get to know the summer associates outside of the office.”
- “Wiley is a very friendly firm with nice attorneys, and there is a big sense of camaraderie among the summer associates as well as among the associates. This is not a ‘party’ firm, although we had our fair share of events throughout the summer. I personally prefer a slightly more relaxed social calendar, but if you're expecting to go out drinking every night, this is not the culture of Wiley.”
Associate Experience vs. Summer Expectations
- “I think I was well prepared for what it would be like to practice at the firm.”
- “Being a summer associate prepared me well for working at the firm and practice has met my expectations. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of practice-group-specific training we have received and the many opportunities to meet with attorneys in my group and other associates by way of group lunches and firm events.”
- “I did not have a true sense of workload management and the hours requirement as a summer associate—not that either of those things have proved insurmountable—but just that I didn't fully understand the implications of either. I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy working with the people in my practice group. I work with such talented, kind people that make it a joy to come to work, even when I am busy.”
- “I was never promised anything other than what I have experienced. My summer experience was different from my current experience mainly because I am now responsible for things I was not responsible for then—e.g., managing a full docket, learning new technology like Relativity, etc. Also, as a summer, you choose work from a database and everyone knows what you're working on and when. In actual practice, it has been an adjustment managing my own workload and speaking up when I want to take on new projects. These things do not weigh poorly (or really at all) on Wiley.”
Favorite Summer Events
- “We attended a Beyoncé concert, [which] was an awesome way to end the summer.”
- “Wine and paint night.”
- “We drove derby race cars, which was very fun.”
The Firm Says
The defining feature of our program is the flexibility of work assignments. We assist students in tailoring their assignments so that they gain significant exposure to a wide variety of practice areas through our interactive assignment database. In addition, summer associates receive a Recruiting Committee mentor and an associate mentor to help integrate them into the firm and our practices. We host an extensive litigation skills training program in addition to other professional development and engaging social events throughout the summer.