Traditional Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself.
This question does not mean: “Tell me about your life history, beginning with where you were born, how many pounds you weighed at birth, where you went to elementary...
Walk me through your resume.
The number one mistake candidates make when answering this question is translating the question to something akin to, "Tell me everything you've done in your...
What did you score on the SAT (or GMAT, LSAT, or GRE)?
You’ve tailored your cover letter and resume and now you’ve landed that interview. Great! Now it’s time to prep. While you may be prepared to answer questions about...
What do you do for fun?
This is a chance to highlight your relevant extracurricular involvement. Although firms are looking to hire those who are dedicated to their jobs, they also want...
What do you know about our firm?
This is question you are almost guaranteed to receive in any interview. And although you may think it's a softball question—one easily answered by spouting out a few...
Where do you see yourself in five years?
This question is especially tough if you’re at the beginning of your career, when your path is less clear and you might be unsure where you’re headed. What’s most...
Why are you leaving your current job?
Like many interview questions, there are lots of potential subtexts that might start running through your head when you hear this one come out of an interviewer's...
Why do you want to work here?
This question is designed to demonstrate how much research you’ve done on the firm as well as to see if you might be a good "fit." To get further information about a...
Why should we hire you?
This is often considered a “gotcha” question, as it can be meant to trip you up. That said, it isn’t all that difficult. How you should view this question is an...