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10 Results for "debt"

5 Tips for Paying Off Your Student Debt

by Heather Taylor via Fairygodboss | January 09, 2019

Here's how one millennial faced her fears, established a strategy, and paid off half her student debt in less than a year.

5 Tips for Successfully Refinancing Your Graduate School Loans

by Vault Careers | July 27, 2015

When the average college grad is leaving school with more than $30,000 in debt, it’s enough to make anybody stop and think twice before signing on...

A New Trend in Student Loan Policy?

by Vault Careers | April 08, 2015

The ramifications of defaulting on student loans are serious. Those who default may be sued for the entire amount of the loan, face garnished wages,...

How Student Debt Piles Up (And How to Stop It)

by Vault Careers | April 07, 2015

About half of American college students underestimate their debt levels, according to the Brookings Institution . It’s especially easy to see why...

You Just Passed the Bar: Here's What's Next For Your Student Loans

by Kaitlin Butler | November 18, 2014

With the July 2014 bar results now published for almost every state (California results will be released on November 21), you may have spent some...

Internship Candidates Care More About Pay Than Career Advancement

by Derek Loosvelt | November 12, 2014

To internship candidates, pay is more important than career advancement.

The Only Piece of Career Advice You Will Ever Need, from "Car Talk"

by Nicole Weber | November 05, 2014

This week people across the country were saddened to hear of the passing of Tom Magliozzi, the older brother of the dynamic “Car Talk” duo that...

Are the New Options Available for Student Loan Refinancing Right for You?

by Kaitlin Edleman | October 29, 2014

For many recent graduates, the thought of paying back the principal amount of their student loans can be overwhelming , add in the additional...

Give Up on Your Dream Job?

by Kaitlin Edleman | October 15, 2014

“Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Words of wisdom or annoyingly ubiquitous career advice that’s not actually accurate...

Can This Initiative Make Your Student Loan Debt Disappear?

by Kaitlin Edleman | September 17, 2014

Ever heard of Strike Debt? No? Well, if you have privately financed student loan debt , you should pay attention.