Nicole Weber
Nicole is covers news and career advice relating to the legal industry on Vault’s Law Blog. Nicole has a J.D. from Georgetown Law and a B.A. from Williams College.
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22 Interview Questions the Top Law Firms Ask
While most of us are looking forward to enjoying the last few weeks of summer as much as possible, life is not so different for rising 2Ls and law...
Are Freezing Offices a Form of Sex Discrimination?
Freezing cold in your office this summer? You aren’t alone, especially if you are female. A new study suggests that biological differences between...
Which Summer Associate Program is Right for You?
When it comes to finding a career in the legal industry, one of the most important decisions prospective lawyers can make is choosing the right...
Announcing Vault's 2016 Law Firm Diversity Rankings
Vault has released its Law Firm Diversity Rankings for 2016, and Carlton Fields Jorden Burt tops the list once again after briefly ceding the Best...
Which Law Firm Has the Happiest Associates?
For the third year in a row, Paul Hastings has been named Vault’s Best Law Firm to Work For, a title earned through high ratings in Vault’s numerous...
Vault's Top Law Firms By Practice Area and Region
With on-campus interviews fast approaching, law students are inundated with decisions. How to sort through the long list of law firms that hire...
Not Sorry: The New Women's Mantra
To apologize, or not to apologize? That is the question that has been running through my mind multiple times a day since I read Sloane Crosley’s...
BigLaw Bonuses: An Excuse to Keep Salaries Flat?
Law firms may have been much more generous with associate bonuses for 2014 than in recent years. But is increased discretionary compensation just a...
Why ‘Cultural Fit’ Hiring Is Detrimental to Law Firm Diversity
Last week my colleague Derek Loosvelt aptly discussed the dangers of “cultural fit” hiring, drawing on some examples from Vault’s surveys of banking...
The Essential Guide to Legal Practice Areas
What does a day in the life of an M&A lawyer look like? What classes should an aspiring bankruptcy attorney enroll in? What does “clean tech” law...