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Benesch Law

Our Survey Says


Benesch offers pleasant surroundings, supportive partners, and strong career prospects. Hiring focuses on students with top grades from local law schools or with connections to the hiring office region or city and work experience. The firm emphasizes friendliness, support, and teamwork. Coworkers enjoy social events together, and families are included at annual events. Partners are approachable, generous with their time and feedback, and invested in associates’ professional development. Associates benefit from partners’ hands-on mentorship and instruction, as well as from structured training platforms. Numerous people and resources help lateral hires integrate effectively. Work assignments—allocated through a free market assignment system—vary and are largely consequential, and all associates receive challenging matters that push them. Benesch’s reasonable billable requirement of 1,900 hours allows associates to establish work-life balance, and the compensation, although below the Cravath standard, is recognized as appropriate for the market size and number of work hours. Updated and innovative firm technology allows attorneys to work efficiently at the office or at home. Wellness efforts, including massages and counseling services, are appreciated, but billable hour commitments limit their utilization. The firm is expanding its pro bono program and commitment. It recognizes up to 100 hours of pro bono work as billable. Efforts to build and cultivate diversity include affinity group establishment and a focus on diversity in recruiting practices. Benesch wants associates to remain at the firm and to be promoted to counsel, salary partner, or equity partner, all of which are realistic options. Lawyers who depart typically go in-house or to other firms.

Benesch Law

127 Public Square
Suite 4900
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (216) 363-4500

Firm Stats

Managing Partner: Gregg A. Eisenberg
Hiring Partner: Robert A. Ross
Total No. Attorneys (2023):
250 - 500
No. of Partners Named 2024:
Billable-Hour Requirement:
1,900 hours

Base Salary

Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Wilmington
1st year:  $215K
2nd year: $220K
3rd year: $230K
4th year: $245K
5th year: $280K
6th year: $315K
7th year: $340K
8th year: $375K
9th year: $390K
Summer Associate: equivalent salary as first year associates, pro-rated and paid semi-monthly
Ohio Market – Cleveland and Columbus
1st year:  $200K
2nd year: $205K
3rd year: $215K
4th year: $230K
5th year: $250K
6th year: $265K
7th year: $285K
8th year: $310K
9th year: $320K
Summer Associate: equivalent salary as first year associates, pro-rated and paid semi-monthly

Employment Contact

Brittany Merhar
Director of Law School Recruiting
(216) 363-6288

No. of U.S. Offices: 6

No. of International Offices: 0

Major Office Locations

Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH (HQ)
Columbus, OH
New York, NY
San Francisco, CA
Wilmington, DE

Major Departments

Real Estate
Intellectual Property
Labor & Employment
Commercial Finance & Banking
Corporate & Securities
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.