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Farella Braun + Martel LLP


"Farella is deeply committed to diversity and inclusion for all attorneys and staff. Everyone at the firm is respected and included irrespective of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability. Our diversity and inclusiveness makes us stronger as a firm and enables us to deliver superlative legal advice to our clients. Farella recognizes that the number of women and diverse partners in law firms needs to improve and is committed to being part of the solution. We have been a leader..."

Read more from this firm's Diversity Report (PDF)
Farella Braun + Martel LLP

One Bush Street
Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 954-4400

Firm Stats

Firm Chair: Brian P. Donnelly
Recruiting Chair: Kelly Matayoshi
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
100 - 150
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:
1,850 hours

Base Salary

1st year: $205,000 Summer Associate: $39,423 ($3,942.30/week)

Employment Contact

Alexis Fox
Recruiting Manager
(415) 954-4753
General Recruiting Email:

No. of U.S. Offices: 2

No. of International Offices: 0

Major Office Locations

San Francisco, CA (HQ)
St. Helena, CA

Major Departments

*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.