Our Survey Says
Haynes and Boone is a major draw for associates, largely because of its Texas charm, fantastic summer experiences, and comfortable office settings. Competitive hiring involves top law schools (especially those in Texas), top grades, and top personalities. Associates must assimilate into the welcoming work environment where people care about each other and really get to know each other. Partners foster strong relationships with associates, who they want to teach and develop into first-rate attorneys. This hands-on training is more valuable than the formal training, which feels too generalized and thus not impactful. Firm-sponsored training for lateral hires is better, as laterals feel welcomed and integrate quickly. High-level and challenging assignments, which often push associates out of their comfort zones, come early, but support and other resources are available to guide them. Projects are administered fairly, with seniority, experience, and availability influencing assignments. Haynes and Boone associates work toward a fairly standard 2,000hour billable requirement, which includes up to 100 pro bono hours and the flexibility to work from home two days per week. Salaries are equal to the prevailing market rate, but the criteria for earning bonuses are not always clear, though hours, non-billable work, and other contributions are stated as factors. Office and home technology are up-to-date and functional, and associates appreciate the discretionary tech spending accounts. Wellness is addressed through programs such as HB Wellness and Wellness Champions and professional coaching. The firm is committed to pro bono work as well as diversity and has established numerous inclusion networks and offers billable credit for related work. In addition to counsel and non-equity partner positions, equity partnership is attainable. Some associates opt to go in-house or to other firms.
2801 N. Harwood Street
Suite 2300
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: (214) 651-5000
Managing & Lateral Hiring Partner: Taylor Wilson
Entry-Level Hiring Partner: Brad Holdbrook
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
500 - 750
No. of Partners Named 2024:
Base Salary (2024)
1st year: $225,000
2nd year: $235,000
3rd year: $260,000
4th year: $310,000
5th year: $365,000
6th year: $390,000
7th year: $420,000
8th year: $435,000
9th year: $445,000
Summer Associate: $4,327 per week
Allison Cohn
Senior Recruiting Coordinator
(949) 202-3017
Jennifer Lindsley
Recruiting Coordinator
(214) 651-5832
Amy Hill
Manager of Entry-Level Recruiting
(214) 651-5832
New York
Danielle Sorken
Manager of Attorney Recruitment
(212) 918 8984
All Other Offices
Jennifer Lindsley
Recruiting Coordinator
(214) 651-5832
No. of U.S. Offices: 16
No. of International Offices: 3
Austin, TX
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Dallas-North, TX
Denver, CO
Fort Worth, TX
Houston, TX
New York, NY
Northern Virginia, VA
Orange County, CA
Palo Alto, CA
San Antonio, TX
San Francisco, CA
The Woodlands, TX
Washington, DC
Mexico City
Banking and Finance
Business Litigation (including IP, Insurance Coverage, Environmental, Energy, Real Estate, Securities, Healthcare and Appellate)
Hedge Funds
Intellectual Property/Technology
Labor and Employment
Private Equity
Real Estate
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.