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Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2024): 64 total (37 2Ls; 27 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2023): 35 out of 36

Summer Associate Salary:

Summer Associate: $4,327 per week

Summer Program Length:

9-10 weeks (office depending)

Summer Program Contact

Jennifer Lindsley
Manager of Entry-Level Recruiting
(214) 651 5832

Our Survey Says

  • “I was assigned a mentor and a supervisor. My mentor was a good source for asking questions regarding work assignments. Each person I worked with gave detailed instructions for the assignments, which was very helpful. Additionally, I had a partner walk me through step-by-step on an assignment, which I really appreciated.”
  • “Each summer associate received real work with clients in his or her respective practice group. In addition, each summer associate gets teamed up with another summer associate on a pro bono matter to complete from start to finish. I appreciated getting to do real work and get involved right away in my practice group building relationships with other associates and partners.”
  • “Haynes Boone does an exceptional job of giving their summer associates substantive work with plenty of meaningful feedback and teaching.”
  • “My mentor went out of his way to give assignments that were typical for a first-year associate. People provided me with good background and training. Once I started, a good portion of my assignments I had at least tried once as a summer associate.”
  • “The recruiting department does a great job, and attorneys buy in—we have a lot of attendance at events, and people know and like each other. Summer associates are given an opportunity to get to know each other as well, and that carries over into the early years as an associate.”
  • “The firm does a tremendous job organizing events to allow summer associates to build relationships within the firm. Events vary each week but include sporting events, dinners, happy hours, and more. I found everyone to be welcoming and interested in getting to know me as a person in addition to my professional goals.”
  • “I really appreciated the opportunities to form meaningful connections with attorneys and staff that I fostered throughout the summer and have continued into my life as an associate.”
  • “The firm did a great job providing opportunities for the summers to develop relationships, and attorneys from the most junior to the most senior made great efforts to get to know us and share advice. I think the firm was very conscious and intentional about the group of summers it assembled, and the mentors and supervisors seemed to be good fits for most of the summers.”
  • “The work was certainly more intense and more difficult than it seems in the summer associateship, but the firm was not hiding the ball on that. Everyone was honest about the workload. I have been pleasantly surprised by the work-life balance and general kind and collegial nature of the firm.”
  • “The hours are longer and demands are higher, of course, but otherwise everyone has been the same. Partners and associates did not sugarcoat anything or act differently toward me as a summer associate versus a regular associate. Everyone is very authentic.”
  • “I think as a summer it is hard to really see how to balance many assignments, but substantively the work has been very comparable.”
  • “I think my experience as an associate has largely been consistent with my summer experience. I am busier and trusted with more as an associate, of course. One difference is that there was some turnover of senior associates in my group, so when I started there were some new faces. But I think our group leaders did a good job of finding folks who will contribute positively to the culture.”
  • “Some of my favorite summer events included cooking classes, an all-associate event during the partner retreat, and succulent-making class.”
  • “Topgolf, Texas Rangers baseball game, and karaoke night.”
  • “Weekly summer lunches were probably my favorite. It was a great opportunity to connect with my peers. We also had an end-of-summer party with summers and associates from several offices.”
  • “A huge BBQ and ping-pong tournament hosted at a partner's house and a firmwide party that rented out the Rustic with live music, open bar, and poker (S.O. included).”

The Firm Says

To sustain what we feel is a blend of culture and sophistication of practice that is unmatched in the market, Haynes Boone is looking for internally driven law students with a personality that would augment our firm’s commitment to teamwork and a long-term approach to the practice of law. 

Our summer associates spend nine to ten weeks (depending on office) with us working in one or more of our practice areas. Each summer associate is given a mentor and supervisor who assigns them work. They are also able to attend client meetings, negotiations, hearings, etc. Feedback is provided throughout the summer as well as through the mid-clerkship review. Our summer associates also enjoy several social events designed to get to know our attorneys.