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Reed Smith LLP

Our Survey Says


Years with multiple mergers have made Reed Smith a major legal player where associates do high-quality work with engaged partners. Hiring focuses on academic prowess and work experience, as well as proximity to the hiring office. Coworkers are supportive, approachable, pleasant, and respectful of personal lives, making work-life balance possible. Respect also describes associate/partner interactions, as partners are interested in associate development. Assigned associates and partner mentors, along with vigorous formal training programs, ensure that associates learn and grow as attorneys. Laterals are appropriately integrated and quickly given work. Associates lead on interesting, challenging projects, and they’re encouraged to take on additional responsibilities as they’re ready. A free market system means that favoritism and prior relationships can determine how work is allocated. Associate reactions are mixed about whether Reed Smith’s 2,000-hour billable standard is too high, but everyone enjoys the flexibility on when and where they work. Through the firm’s unique tiered system, some salaries fall below market, and bonuses are withheld when the hour requirement for the previous year was not met. The IT team is helpful with firm tech, which is sufficient but in need of improvements. Associates have access to counseling and wellness apps, but wellness does not seem to be a firm priority. In contrast, pro bono work is emphasized, with 140 hours creditable to the 2,000-hour threshold and no limit placed on pro bono hours after this threshold is reached. DEI is emphasized through affinity groups, hiring, and a general sense of inclusion. Promotion to counsel or non-equity partner is more frequent than to equity partner, and many attorneys opt for in-house or lateral positions.

Reed Smith LLP

599 Lexington Avenue
New York 10022
Phone: (212) 521-5400

Firm Stats

Global Managing Partner: Casey Ryan
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
1.5K - 2K
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:

Base Salary

1st year: $225,000
Summer Associate: $225,000

Employment Contact

Christine Tallon
Global Director of Legal Recruiting
(215) 549-0319
general recruiting email:

No. of U.S. Offices: 18

No. of International Offices: 13

Major Office Locations

Austin, TX
Century City, CA
Chicago, IL
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Orange County, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Princeton, NJ
Richmond, VA
San Francisco, CA
Silicon Valley, CA
Tysons, VA
Washington, DC
Wilmington, DE
Abu Dhabi
Hong Kong

Major Departments

Crypto & Digital Assets
Energy & Natural Resources
Entertainment & Media
Environmental, Social & Governance
Financial Industry Group
Global Corporate Group
Global Commercial Disputes
Global Regulatory Enforcement
Insurance Recovery
Intellectual Property
International Arbitration
Labor & Employment
Life Sciences Health Industry
Real Estate
Records & E-Discovery
State Tax
Tax, Benefits & Wealth Planning
Emerging Technologies
Transportation Industry Group
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.