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Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.

Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2023): 15 total (12 2Ls; 3 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2023): 10 out of 12

Summer Associate Salary:

Summer Associate: $3,460/week

Summer Program Length:

10 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Megan Childress
Director of New Associate Recruiting
(704) 377-8115

Our Survey Says

  • “My experience as a summer associate was pretty similar to my experience practicing at the firm. The summer program offered more opportunities to meet people at the firm and social opportunities in general. However, the work itself was very similar to the work we are given as first year associates. My experience practicing at the firm has met my expectations as a summer associate.”
  • “I believe Robinson Bradshaw does a good job of showing summer associates what life as an associate is like while also balancing the recruitment of those summer associates. The work I got as a summer was substantive and similar to what I do as a young associate, though projects that can be done in a 6-10 week timespan are somewhat limited. The social aspect of the program was fantastic and afforded me opportunities to meet almost all of the people at the firm, which made building relationships when I started full time very easy.”
  • “As a summer, I received real work in small teams, working directly with partners on high-value cases. I had varied experiences based on my interests and really enjoyed the projects. We had associate and partner mentors to guide us through the summer, both of whom were actively involved in my summer experience and making sure I learned everything possible. The firm did a really great job of showing how life as an attorney really looks here. We went to the homes of partners, did a real estate tour, talked about parental leave, what it's like developing a long career here, etc. It was very easy to picture myself 30 years down the line still working here.”
  • “As a summer associate, I received substantive projects and meaningful feedback. Each summer associate works closely with partners and is able to meet a wide cross-section of attorneys at the firm. Associates and partners host small group dinners in their homes for summer associates and their significant others. The firm also does a good job of giving the summer associates the chance to get to know each other. We hold a summer associate retreat in the spring so that everyone can make introductions before the summer starts.”
  • “Kayaking at the whitewater center, the firm's summer party, small group dinners.”
  • “The Charlotte White Water Center is a perfect summer event.”
  • “Painting at a brewery, visiting the Van Gogh exhibit, ziplining and kayaking, visiting Carowinds.”
  • “My favorite events were a hiking trip in the mountains and a kayaking trip.”

The Firm Says

Robinson Bradshaw promotes an inclusive work environment where people with different backgrounds share a commitment to our core ideals of professionalism, excellence and teamwork. Our summer program provides law students the opportunity to gain practical experience at a leading regional law firm with nationally recognized practices. From hands-on legal work and department lunches to training sessions and after-work activities, your summer experience will mirror that of a new associate. You will interact directly with clients and other attorneys and have the opportunity to observe trials, negotiations, closings, and depositions. Robinson Bradshaw does not assign summer associates to specific practice groups or departments which allows you to work with attorneys throughout the firm, while gaining a better understanding of Robinson Bradshaw’s 40-plus practice areas.