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Summer Program Stats

No. of Summer Associates (2024): 203 total (156 2Ls; 47 1Ls)

No. of 2L Offers (2023): 205 out of 208

Summer Associate Salary:

Summer Associate: $4,326.92

Summer Program Length:

10 weeks

Summer Program Contact

Carly Appel
Director of Attorney Recruiting
(212) 735-2076

Our Survey Says

  • “The summer associate program combined training and educational opportunities, simulated work experiences, and opportunities to contribute to case work.”
  • “Trainings were informative and efficient. I received substantive work assignments and felt like my work was valued. I was never given ‘busy’ work and was given feedback on each assignment submitted.”
  • “The work allocation was excellent. Being able to try different groups and work with a lot of different people was really great. I found that the summer assignments didn't differ that much from what a first-year associate would do.”
  • “The summer program strikes a great balance between exposing summer associates to real client work and allowing ample time to get to know the firm's culture through fun events and activities.”
  • “There were MANY social events organized for the summer associate program. There was at least one formal event each week (cooking classes, wine tasting, golfing, lectures, plays, etc.) attended by summer associates and attorneys at the firm and informal opportunities throughout the week to get lunch or drinks with associates.”
  • “There was never a shortage of events to go to. The summer program was structured very well in that summer associates were almost always assigned to small groups, which allowed connections to form more easily and to feel welcomed upon arrival. Associates and partners were present at most events and open to discussing both work and personal topics candidly, which was refreshing and helpful.”
  • “Firm members were invested in making sure that summer associates felt included both in the office and outside. The events were very inclusive and ranged from small gatherings to entire office events. The firm was interested in summers having a clear picture of what they were getting into. And I am happy that I had that clarity before deciding to come to Skadden.”
  • “Not only does Skadden have an exceptional summer associate training program but it also has the most vibrant and robust social calendar of any firm. There are countless events to attend, including sporting events, plays, small dinners, trivia, musicals, food/beverage tastings, and larger gatherings with associates and partners at every level.”
  • “My experience practicing at the firm aligns pretty well with my summer associate experience. Social events are of course less frequent, and there tend to be fewer in-person activities, but many of the assignments and the substance of the work are well in tune with what were expected as a summer.”
  • “There definitely is a lot more quarterbacking and coordination involved when doing assignments than there was during the summer program.”
  • “Since I was a summer associate, I have received significantly more responsibility and have had much more client interaction than I expected to have (in a good way!).”
  • “My expectations were largely in line with what life has been like at the firm since starting. Skadden did an exceptional job of communicating what group you would be in, the type of work you would be doing, the work-life balance expectation, and the ability to work with certain partners.”
  • “Litigation closing dinner at Carbone, MoMA gala.”
  • “Topgolf outing and final summer event at Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library.”
  • “Magic show by Dan White, pasta-making class.”
  • “Whiskey tasting, candle making.”

The Firm Says

Our summer associate program drives our hiring efforts. Full programs are offered in Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, New York, Palo Alto, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, and Wilmington. We typically accommodate requests for splitting between Skadden offices. Our flexible program provides opportunities to learn firsthand about our extensive range of practices. Summer associates gain experience comparable to that of junior associates, including attending client meetings, traveling to client locations, and assisting senior attorneys in addressing client needs. Summer associates working on corporate projects receive exposure to drafting and negotiation sessions, while those in litigation gain familiarity with depositions and court proceedings. Participants receive formal reviews, and our attorneys provide informal feedback on projects. Additionally, the majority of our summer associates work on pro bono matters. Of course, we hold numerous social events outside the office to help our summer associates to become acquainted with colleagues throughout the office.