Aman Singh Das
Formerly Vault's Corporate Social Responsibility editor, Aman Singh Das is the Editorial Director of She is an experienced CSR practitioner, journalist, social media strategist and founder of Singh Solutions, which offers research and advisory services on corporate social responsibility strategy, sustainable business practices, contextual CSR reporting, employee engagement and communications. She has written for numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal,, Triple Pundit, CNBC, Bloomberg Businessweek, among others and is a frequent speaker on CSR and sustainable business practices, the role of media in social change, job hunting in CSR and connecting the many tenets of responsible business with strategy.
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That's a wrap! EDF Climate Corps fellow at Humana reflects on results
Upon returning to Notre Dame this fall to kick off his second year of business school, John-Paul found himself reflecting on the real value of a summer fellowship as an EDF Climate Corps fellow at Humana.
A Day in the Life: Carleen Haas, Chief Talent Officer, Humana Inc.
Carleen Haas, Chief Talent Officer at Humana Inc, describes a day in her life on the job.
Day in the Life: Tom Noland, Sr. VP of Corporate Communications, Humana Inc.
Day in the Life of the Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Humana Inc.
Shifting the eBay Mindset for a More Naturally Integrated Energy Management System
Analyzing the best way to make on-campus data rooms more efficient.
Reading Between the Lines: Developing Employee Engagement In
Take-aways from an EDF Climate Corps fellowship at McDonald's.
Whiskey, Data Centers and Power Strips--Oh My! Humana's EDF Climate Corps
John-Paul Fontelo, 2011 EDF Climate Corps Fellow at Humana talks energy conservation at data centers.
EDF Fellow at Booz Allen Identifies Solutions to Efficiency Obstacles
As an MBA student completing an EDF Climate Corps fellowship with Booz Allen Hamilton, I often look for linkages between what I am doing this summer and what I learned from my coursework over the past two semesters at the JHU Carey Business School.
7 Conflicting Trends: Fortune 100 Annual Reports and CSR (Part 2)
Here are the final four trends (in a series of seven) that will impact every company going forward, whether they already report on non-financial goals (social responsibility, corporate giving, sustainability, etc.) or continue to put it off.
Cooking Up Interest in Energy Efficiency: An EDF Climate Corps fellow's first lessons as a change agent at McDonald's
Pia Kristiansen, 2011 EDF Climate Corps Fellow at McDonald?s, on the company's sustainability initiatives.
7 Conflicting Trends: Fortune 100 Annual Reports & CSR
Public companies in the U.S. are, by law, only required to disclose financial results. Then why are a majority of annual reports increasingly addressing social responsibility, sustainable practices and corporate giving? Michael Sater, a brand management specialist offers seven trends every company must understand going forward.