That's a wrap! EDF Climate Corps fellow at Humana reflects on results
Aman Singh Das
| December 01, 2011
Upon returning to Notre Dame this fall to kick off his second year of business school, John-Paul found himself reflecting on the real value of a summer fellowship as an EDF Climate Corps fellow at Humana.
A Day in the Life: Carleen Haas, Chief Talent Officer, Humana Inc.
Aman Singh Das
| November 10, 2011
Carleen Haas, Chief Talent Officer at Humana Inc, describes a day in her life on the job.
Day in the Life: Tom Noland, Sr. VP of Corporate Communications, Humana Inc.
Aman Singh Das
| October 28, 2011
Day in the Life of the Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Humana Inc.
Reading Between the Lines: Developing Employee Engagement In
Aman Singh Das
| September 15, 2011
Take-aways from an EDF Climate Corps fellowship at McDonald's.
Whiskey, Data Centers and Power Strips--Oh My! Humana's EDF Climate Corps
Aman Singh Das
| August 04, 2011
John-Paul Fontelo, 2011 EDF Climate Corps Fellow at Humana talks energy conservation at data centers.
EDF Fellow at Booz Allen Identifies Solutions to Efficiency Obstacles
Aman Singh Das
| July 29, 2011
As an MBA student completing an EDF Climate Corps fellowship with Booz Allen Hamilton, I often look for linkages between what I am doing this summer and what I learned from my coursework over the past two semesters at the JHU Carey Business School.
7 Conflicting Trends: Fortune 100 Annual Reports and CSR (Part 2)
Aman Singh Das
| July 21, 2011
Here are the final four trends (in a series of seven) that will impact every company going forward, whether they already report on non-financial goals (social responsibility, corporate giving, sustainability, etc.) or continue to put it off.
7 Conflicting Trends: Fortune 100 Annual Reports & CSR
Aman Singh Das
| July 18, 2011
Public companies in the U.S. are, by law, only required to disclose financial results. Then why are a majority of annual reports increasingly addressing social responsibility, sustainable practices and corporate giving? Michael Sater, a brand management specialist offers seven trends every company must understand going forward.