Is a Switch from Lawyer to Business Owner in Your Future?
Some of you may be considering starting your own business. Because the media repeatedly reports glowing stories about the latest 29-year-olds to sell...
Hindi Greenberg, J.D., is the president of Lawyers in Transition, a premier resource for information on the topics of attorney career satisfaction and options. Ms. Greenberg consults individually with lawyers across North America; does outplacement work for law firms, corporations, and government agencies; and is qualified as an expert witness when the topics address lawyer salary, employment qualifications or career options. Ms. Greenberg has written the best selling, The Lawyer's Career Change Handbook (2nd edition, HarperCollins). She is the co-author of Beyond L.A. Law: Break the Traditional "Lawyer" Mold (National Association for Law Placement/Harcourt Brace), and a chapter author in Breaking Traditions: Work Alternatives for Lawyers(American Bar Association).
Hindi Greenberg graduated from the University of Minnesota and received her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law (top 10%) in 1974. She is a member (inactive) of both the State Bar of California and the American Samoa Bar Association. Following graduation from law school, Ms. Greenberg clerked for a thirteen judge Superior Court in Northern California and for the Chief Justice of the High Court of American Samoa. She then worked as a business litigator at a prestigious national law firm, in a boutique San Francisco firm, and as an in-house litigation lawyer. In 1984, she left full-time practice and then worked for law firms as an independent contractor while developing her career consulting firm.
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Some of you may be considering starting your own business. Because the media repeatedly reports glowing stories about the latest 29-year-olds to sell...
If you have been fired from your job and are interviewing for new positions, it is natural to be concerned about how a prospective employer will...
Hindi Greenberg, J.D., is the president of Lawyers in Transition. She consults with individual lawyers nationwide on career satisfaction and options...
Hindi Greenberg, J.D., is the president of Lawyers in Transition. She consults with individual lawyers nationwide on career satisfaction and options...