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Analysis Group Summer Program
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About Analysis Group Summer Program

Undergraduate juniors who are studying economics, finance, statistics, or related subjects have the opportunity to become a Summer Analyst Intern at Analysis Group. Analysis Group also seeks MBA and Ph.D., students a year away from graduation for their summer associate position.

Summer interns join a case team, gaining real analyst/associate experience within an inclusive and collaborative environment. Intern responsibilities include "conducting market and company research, summarizing data for case-specific needs, performing independent and directed data analysis, participating in meetings with academic experts and team members, developing computer programs using software like SAS,” and more. Internships at Analysis Group also offer super fun social events and help students establish real community with both fellow interns and Analysis Group professionals. Summer analyst candidates should begin the application process the fall semester before the summer they wish to intern. The summer associate process kicks off in December and runs through March.

The internship program at Analysis Group is perfect for students who have a keen interest in utilizing quantitative methods and solutions in solving issues that require creative and nuanced solutions. Applicants should have strong communication skills, a passion for problem-solving, and a desire to pursue a career that inspires a lifetime of learning and growing.



Analysis Group Summer Program

Amanda Giunta
Analysis Group
111 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02199


Number of Interns: 101 or more
Compensation/Benefits: Paid
Duration: 6 to 12 weeks
Hours: Full-time
Academic Level: College Juniors, College Seniors, Graduate Students, Business School Students
Degree Track: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
