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NASA OSTEM Internship Program

About NASA OSTEM Internship Program

NASA’s OSTEM (Office of STEM Engagement) internship program offers students the chance to work directly with NASA engineers, research scientists, and others to grow their STEM skills. Internships can be full- or part-time and on-site or remote, depending on the applicant. NASA’s OSTEM internship leverages the organization's unique missions and programs to enhance and increase the capability, diversity, and size of the nation’s future STEM workforce.

NASA OSTEM Internship Program

300 Hidden Figures Way SW
DC 20024


Number of Interns: 101 or more
Compensation/Benefits: Academic Credit, Stipend
Duration: 6 to 12 weeks
Hours: Full-time
Academic Level: High School Students, College Freshmen, College Sophomores, College Juniors, College Seniors, Recent College Graduates, Graduate Students
Degree Track: Associate’s Degree, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Juris Doctor, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Minimum GPA Preferred: 3.00-3.49
