Practice Perspectives, 2024 Edition: Attorney Insights & the New Practice Area Resource Centers
Read attorney Q&As to learn what it's really like to practice in 24 different practice areas at 52 of the nation's top-ranked law firms.
Read attorney Q&As to learn what it's really like to practice in 24 different practice areas at 52 of the nation's top-ranked law firms.
Bracewell's Chief Talent Officer gives twelve tips to maximize your summer associate experience.
Discover more about Jackson Walker, from firm stats to key programs to the summer associate experience.
Learn which law firms topped the 2024 Vault Law Rankings, plus read the Vault Law Editors' announcement posts.
Jason Triplett, former lawyer turned recruiter, shares what makes Kirkland & Ellis and Kirkland's summer associate program different in the sea of BigLaw firms.
Perspectives is the insider's guide to what it's really like to practice at the nation's top law firms. This guide contains interviews with over 140 attorneys.
There are both pros and cons to taking a secondment assignment. This article will look at both so you can evaluate whether a secondment would be a benefit.
Many associates think partnership is the holy grail of a legal career, but don’t really understand what making partner entails, or what being a partner means.
With a little effort, there are ways to make sure you are a great leader. Great leadership skills benefit not only the leader, but everyone else around them.