6 Results for "money"
Side Hustle vs. Second Job: Which Is Better for You?
Are you looking to start a side hustle or a second job? Here are some things you want to consider when deciding which is best for you, along with some examples.
4 Salary Negotiation Tips (Including Sample Scripts)
Here are four essential tips for maximizing the possibility of getting the salary you want—along with sample salary negotiating scripts.
6 Financial Pivots to Make in the Age of Covid-19
Given the mounting job losses, stock market volatility, and general economic uncertainty, here are six financial actions to take that can benefit almost anyone.
Salary Negotiation Scripts for Any Role
The salary negotiation process is complicated. We’ve broken it down into a simple framework so you can be as prepared as possible when you find yourself in.
8 Ways Working from Home Can Save You Money
how working from home saves you money
How to Figure Out Important Money Matters
A staggering amount of millennials admit they don’t know how to manage their money—let alone understand investing, interest rates, or budgeting....