9 Results for "politics"
Kamala Harris’s Inspiring Career Path: From Activist Daughter to VP Nominee
For many people—including VP candidate Kamala Harris—law school hasn't been just a stop on the way to a legal career but a stepping stone to a life of service.
How Do You Run for Office? Five Key Take-Aways from the Women Running for Office Conference
Have you ever considered running for office? The Columbia Law Women's Association put together a conference to answer your questions about the process.
6 Podcasts That Will Inspire You
We've rounded up six inspiring podcasts you can listen to on your commute, during mindless tasks, or whenever you have the time.
Which Companies Offer Paid Time Off on Election Day?
Millions of Americans say work or school conflicts kept them from voting in past elections. In response, some firms are giving PTO on Election Day so employees can vote.
Would You 'Take a Knee' If Trump's Words Were Directed at You and Your Job?
after the nfl: could trump target other industries?
Dealing with Political Talk at Work
Workplace conversations about politics are increasing. Dealing with those political conversations at work can be a minefield.
America Is Having Trouble Focusing at Work These Days
With the hectic pace of news these days, employees are having a hard time focusing at work. Fortunately, we've got three tips to keep you on track and informed of the political goings on.
How to Make Sure You Don't Get Fired
how not to get fired
The Most Powerful Woman in the World and the Science of Her Success
Career advice from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the most powerful woman in the world