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9 Results for "sleep"

Regain Your Lost Focus

by Rebecca King-Newman | September 06, 2022

At some point in your career, you will find yourself sitting at work with loads of projects and absolutely zero focus. Get your focus back and stop coasting!

How to Train Your Brain to Work Better and Faster

by Derek Loosvelt | January 20, 2021

These brain-training tips from brain surgeon and CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta can improve your creativity, productivity, and efficiency.

Why Sleep Isn’t A Waste of Time (and Why You Should Get More)

by James Keshavarz and Melissa de Carvalho, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Global Wellness Department | September 03, 2020

Sleep has a tremendous impact on physical and mental health but is often neglected by lawyers and law students. Here, wellness experts from Gibson Dunn provide tips for maximizing your sleep.

6 Things to Do the Night Before an Interview

by Vault Careers | January 23, 2019

To avoid last-minute emergencies and cut down on stress, here are six things to do the night before an interview.

6 Ways to Boost Productivity When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

by Kiyomi Appleton Gaines via Fairygodboss | July 23, 2018

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. Here are several tips for increasing your productivity when it seems like you have a million things to do.

Getting Up Earlier Won't Change Your Life, But This Will

by Wanda Sealy via Fairygodboss | November 14, 2017

how meditation can transform your life and career

How to Survive an All-Nighter

by Derek Loosvelt | September 03, 2014

how to pull an all-nighter