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Our Survey Says


For compensation and pro bono work, Goodwin is at the forefront. Hiring focuses on academically accomplished students with experience (i.e., journal, work, or clerkship) from T14 schools in geographic proximity to the hiring office. Coworkers are collaborative and supportive, both personally and professionally, including approachable partners who are invested in associates’ development. Partners and senior associates provide fruitful feedback and hands-on learning opportunities, which are augmented by firmwide and practice area training programs. Lateral hires, unfortunately, are largely on their own for onboarding and integration. Work assignments become more substantive with experience, and associates are encouraged to push to take greater responsibilities. Central staffing tries to balance how projects are assigned, but disparities, based on experience and prior working relationships, remain. Goodwin sets a reasonable billable requirement of 1,950 hours, and there is some work-from-home flexibility. Compensation matches the high end of the industry scale, and the firm offers “night out” and vacation bonuses for meeting the hours target. Firm tech, including some AI tools, is generally dependable but could use some improvement. Wellness initiatives, including the “Recharge on Goodwin” (i.e., the vacation bonus) program, counseling, and exercise programs, are appreciated. Associates really like Goodwin’s commitment to pro bono work, with a wide range of offerings and unlimited hours that count as billable. The firm has been proactive in creating advocacy communities, events/activities, and recruiting to increase diversity, but retention and promotion of lawyers from underrepresented groups could be better. Non-equity partnership and counsel roles are sound alternatives to making equity partner, which is possible but difficult. Many attorneys transition to roles in-house, at nonprofits, or with the government.


100 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Phone: (617) 570-1000

Firm Stats

Chairman: Anthony J. McCusker
Managing Partner: Mark T. Bettencourt
Hiring Partners: Kevin V. Lam (National); Srikanth K. Reddy (Boston); Sabrina Rose-Smith (Washington, DC); Chauncey M. Swalwell (Southern California); Katherine Baudistel (Hiring Lead, Southern California); Kevin D. Grumberg (New York); Mitzi Chang (Northern California); Emma Mann-Meginniss (Hiring Lead, SF); Dane A. Patterson (Hiring Lead, SV)
Total No. Attorneys (2024):
1.5K - 2K
No. of Partners Named 2023:
Billable-Hour Requirement:

Base Salary

1st year: $225,000
2nd year: $235,000
3rd year: $260,000
4th year: $310,000
5th year: $365,000
6th year: $390,000
7th year: $420,000
8th year: $435,000
Summer Associate: $4,326.92 per week for 10 weeks

Employment Contact

Ashley Nelson
Managing Director, Talent Acquisition, Legal
(617) 570-8156

No. of U.S. Offices: 8

No. of International Offices: 8

Major Office Locations

Boston, MA
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Silicon Valley, CA
Washington, DC |
Hong Kong

Major Departments

Financial Industry
Private Equity
Real Estate Industry
Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Life Sciences
Intellectual Property Litigation
*See firm website for complete list of practice areas and industries.