WSGR offers associates highly competitive and comprehensive benefits, with plans that help sustain a healthy lifestyle, achieve financial security, and address work and family needs. If you have any questions about this information, please contact a member of WSGR’s Recruiting Department.
WSGR Is the Total Package
We are proud to offer competitive compensation, market-relevant benefits, and an environment that encourages attorneys to do the best work of their careers.
Our compensation philosophy is tried and true:
- we pay our attorneys a nationally competitive base salary in every office location; and
- we provide a substantial year-end bonus based on merit and performance.
Dedicated to the Wellness of Our Attorneys
In October 2018, we signed a pledge to adopt and prioritize the American Bar Association's (ABA) campaign aimed at decreasing substance use and improving the mental landscape in the legal profession. The ABA’s pledge campaign is a seven-point framework for building a better future when it comes to the health and well-being of legal professionals and gives these issues attention by emphasizing awareness and stressing the importance of ongoing conversations about substance abuse and mental health conditions.
In conjunction with joining the ABA’s pledge campaign, we offer a variety of wellness seminars and programs to our attorneys, who are actively encouraged to attend, including the following:
- Integrating Mindfulness into Your Life
- Intersection of Mindfulness and the Law
- Rethinking Stress
- Addiction in the Legal Profession: An In-House Example of Alcoholism and Recovery
- Implicit Bias and the Law
New Parent Support Services
At WSGR, we support our associates with growing families by providing the following parental benefits:
- Up to a maximum of 26 weeks comprised of both paid and unpaid time off for birth mothers following the birth or adoption of a child, including:
- 20 weeks of paid disability/parental leave for birth mothers (and up to 24 weeks when combined with accrued paid vacation (not including the option of an additional two weeks of unpaid time)
- 12 weeks of paid leave for all other parents (up to 16 weeks when combined with accrued vacation)
Support for new parents also includes:
- 24x7 web and mobile access to specialized newborn care consultants during the first weeks and months with your new baby
- Part-time option for those wishing to have a more gradual return to work
- Guidance on reentry to legal practice following leave
- Center-based and in-home backup care for children from 6 months to 12 years of age, for up to 25 visits per child per year
- Milk shipping for nursing mothers traveling on business
Structured Internal Training Programs
Throughout each year, WSGR coordinates various internal training programs to foster leadership and professional growth across its attorney ranks. Our first-year, third-year, fifth-year, and seventh-year academies bring together associate classmates from across the firm to the Bay Area for a mix of panels, round table discussions, and practical, hands-on workshops to help build relationships between colleagues and promote career growth. Our substantive legal classes help attorneys build their legal knowledge, while our professional skills programs help them strengthen key client service, communications, and management capabilities.
An Interconnected Alumni Network
WSGR is part of an expansive, connected, worldwide network composed of people and companies that help make up the firm’s rich history. We offer a resourceful alumni network website that serves as a hub for:
- professional networking;
- job postings and continuing education;
- firm news and thought leadership;
- events; and
- a directory of former colleagues.
Other Little Perks That Make Life Easier—and More Enjoyable
We often hear our colleagues say that it’s the little things that matter the most. Here’s how we make work at WSGR even more enjoyable:
- Business casual attire
- “Last-mile” car service to help late night commuters make their connections
- Evening meal program
- Social activities to encourage attorneys to get to know each other