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Home Accounting Rankings

Most Prestigious Accounting Firms

Accounting professionals across the nation rank the prestige of the firms they compete against.
Survey Methodology

The survey consisted of questions about life at the professional's firm (or former firm) and a prestige rating. For the prestige rating, participants were asked to rate companies other than their own on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most prestigious; participants were asked only to rate firms with which they were familiar, and were not permitted to rate their own (or former) employer. Vault averaged the prestige scores for each firm and ranked them in order.

Take Our Survey

Each year Vault invites eligible accounting firms to participate in our annual Accounting Survey. Please contact us if you’re interested in having your firm considered for inclusion.

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2024 Most Prestigious Accounting Firms

SCORE 8.793
2023 Rank 2
SCORE 8.784
2023 Rank 1
SCORE 8.527
2023 Rank 3
SCORE 8.121
2023 Rank 4
SCORE 7.023
2023 Rank 5
SCORE 6.693
2023 Rank 6
SCORE 6.556
2023 Rank 7
SCORE 6.110
2023 Rank 8
SCORE 5.636
2023 Rank 9
SCORE 5.511
2023 Rank 11