Salary Range
Below $25,000 to $75,000
Printing press operators and printing press operator assistants prepare, operate, and maintain printing presses. Their principal duties include installing and adjusting printing plates, loading and feeding paper, mixing inks and controlling ink flow, and ensuring the quality of the final printed piece. There are approximately 173,430 printing press operators in the United States. They are mostly employed by newspaper plants and commercial and business printers.
Minimum Education Level
High School DiplomaCertification/License
DeclineHands On


Operator in Charge

Press Operator

Printing Press Assistant
- 3-D Printing Specialists
- Bindery Workers
- Business Managers
- Customer Service Representatives
- Desktop Publishing Specialists
- Graphic Designers
- Manufacturing Supervisors
- Photographic Equipment Technicians
- Photographic Laboratory Workers
- Prepress Workers
- Quality Control Engineers
- Quality Control Technicians
- Sales Managers