High School
Helpful high school courses include marketing, business, statistics, mathematics, English, speech, computer science (especially web design), microeconomics, macroeconomics, psychology, and foreign language.
Postsecondary Education
Marketing professionals typically have bachelor’s degrees in marketing or advertising. Others have degrees in journalism, speech communications, English, economics, or business administration. Since marketing specialists frequently use social media, it’s a good idea to take social media marketing classes. A small, but growing, number of colleges and universities offer degrees or specializations in social media marketing, mobile marketing, digital marketing, or social media, including Lewis University (Romeoville, Ill.), DePaul University (Chicago, Ill.), Newberry College (Newberry, S.C.), Pace University (New York, N.Y.), and the University of Florida (Gainesville, Fla.).
U.S. News & World Report publishes a list of colleges and universities that offer the best marketing programs in the United States at https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/business-marketing.
Other Education or Training
Many professional associations provide continuing education programs to help their members keep up to date with industry developments and learn new skills. The American Marketing Association, Internet Marketing Association, Insights Association, and National Venture Capital Association offer webinars, workshops, and other professional development opportunities. Contact these organizations to learn more.
Marketing specialists who want to learn more about the financial and deal-making aspects of the venture capital industry can participate in one or more of the following programs that are offered by universities and private organizations:
- Venture Capital Institute: https://www.vcinstitute.org
- University of Michigan Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance: http://zli.umich.edu/about-zell-lurie/center-vcpe
Undergraduate- and graduate-level marketing and social media marketing certificates are offered by colleges and universities.