Isabel Sperry
Isabel Sperry is a Marketing Associate at Vault. A graduate of Yale University, she earned her BA in American Studies with a focus on American literature and art history. Isabel is a contributing Vault blogger on topics such as undergraduate career development and working as a young professional.
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Vault is always looking for job search and career experts to share their advice on our blog.
How to Build a Brand: a Startup Founder’s Perspective
We got the opportunity to interview startup founder Nick Harris about developing his company, HPE Activewear, his vision for the brand, and advice he has for aspiring entrepreneurs.
5 Tips to Ace a Career Fair
Unsure how to stand out at a career fair? Check out this infographic with tips to help you ace the career fair and make it to the next round of the hiring process.
How to Prepare for a Phone Interview
Are you nervous for a phone interview? Here are several strategies to help you prepare, which will ensure you make a positive impression on your interviewer—and hopefully quell your nerves!
How to Answer the “What Is Your Weakness” Interview Question
Unsure how to answer the dreaded "What is your weakness" interview question? Here, we walk you through the steps you should take to answer this question in order to make a positive impression on your interviewer.
The 2018 Golden Globes: A Standout Night for Women’s Rights in the Workplace
At the Golden Globes on Sunday, many actresses leveraged their platform to raise awareness about Time’s Up and champion women’s rights in the workplace. Here are some of the most powerful quotes of the night.
4 Ways to Recharge over the Holidays
Over the holidays, it's important to take some time off work to reset. Here are four ways you can recharge over the holidays, so you can return reenergized to the office in the New Year.
8 Tips for What You Should Wear to Work
Follow us on Instagram @vaultcareers to see our full #WearToWork series, where we highlight fashionable yet business-appropriate attire to give you inspiration for what to wear to the office.
5 Benefits of Attending the Office Holiday Party
Wondering whether you should go to your office holiday party this year? Here are five reasons you should definitely attend.
How to Get Ahead in Your Career
Do you feel stagnated in your current job, unsure of how to continue growing or developing your skill set? Then check out these strategies from Hearst's Chief Content Officer Joanna Coles on how to get ahead in your career.
Why the near Win Is so Important for Long-Term Success
It may seem counterintuitive, but near wins can be more important than actual wins to your long-term success. Find out why here.