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Children's Librarians


Children's librarians oversee the daily operations of the children's department of public and private libraries and school libraries. They purchase books, periodicals, music and films, and other informational material, and prepare them for circulation. Children's librarians also serve as instructors and mentors to students. In addition, they conduct activities to introduce children to different types of literature. These activities include story time, reading challenges, book discussions, and outreach projects. Children’s librarians may also be called children’s services managers and youth services librarians. Approximately 134,800 librarians (including children's librarians) are employed in the United States. Thirty-three percent of librarians work in elementary and secondary schools. 

Salary Range

$25,000 to $100,000

Minimum Education Level

Master's Degree




Little Change or More Slowly than the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Children’s Library Director

Children’s Librarian

Assistant Children’s Librarian

Library Assistant or Technician