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Children's Librarians

Exploring This Job

Volunteering to work in your school library is an excellent way to learn more about this career. Many schools rely on students to assist school librarians. As a media center aide, you may be asked to staff the library check out desk, shelve returned books and periodicals, or maintain audiovisual equipment. Volunteering or working part time at your local library is the ideal way to explore this career. You can get hands-on experience with the working routine of a real library and network for future job opportunities.

Don't forget to visit Web sites of library associations such as the American Library Association, the Association for Library Service to Children, and the American Association of School Librarians (ASLC). Their sites can provide a wealth of information about education programs, scholarships, financial aid, certification, and student membership. The ASLC offers a blog (, which you should read to learn about the work of school librarians and issues that they encounter on the job.

Participate in information interviews with children's librarians. In such an interview—which can be conducted in-person, on the phone, or through video-conferencing technology—you will get the opportunity to ask child life specialists about their educational training, job duties, work environments, likes and dislikes about their careers, and other topics that will help you to obtain a better understanding of the field. Start out by asking your school's librarian if he or she would be willing to participate in an interview. They also might be able to recommend other librarians to interview. Additionally, your school counselor can help set up information interviews.