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Inbound Tour Guides


Tour guides (sometimes called escorts) lead groups of people to sites of interest. Specifically, those leading short excursions to famous American destinations are called inbound tour guides. Inbound tours may last a few hours or overnight. Guides provide an important service to the travel and tourism industry by promoting their specific area. New York, the top travel destination for foreign travelers, has more than 100 tour operators. Some define inbound tourism as guiding people from other destinations through an area or site in your locale rather than outbound tourism where a person is planning travel or tourism details for a trip to another location or foreign country. There are about 61,900 tour and travel guides employed in the United States.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $50,000

Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma




Faster than the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Tour Company Owner

Tour Business Development Specialist

Tour Guide

Volunteer Guide