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Lighting Technicians


Lighting technicians set up and control lighting equipment for live television broadcasts, recorded television shows, motion pictures, and video productions. They begin by consulting with the production director and technical director to determine the types of lighting and special effects that are needed. Working with spot and flood lights, mercury-vapor lamps, white and colored lights, reflectors (mainly employed out-of-doors), and a large array of dimming, masking, and switching controls, they light scenes to be broadcast or recorded. Lighting technicians are sometimes known as assistant chief set electricians or lights operators. Approximately 10,800 lighting technicians are employed in the United States.

Salary Range

$25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Some Postsecondary Training




Personality Traits

Hands On



Career Ladder
Chief Lighting Technician or Key Grip

Best Boy

Lighting Technician

Assistant Lighting Technician or Production Assistant