Salary Range
Below $25,000 to $100,000+
Circus performers entertain with a wide variety of unusual acts that terrify, amuse, and amaze their audiences. They appear to defy death as they swing from a trapeze or walk a tightwire high above the ground. Some perform gymnastic feats on the ground, and clowns entertain with their absurd antics. Others train and perform with animals, such as elephants and tigers. Most circus performers are able to perform a variety of circus skills. Though "running away to join the circus" may seem like a fun way to earn a living, in reality, it is grueling, hard work. Circus performers may also be known as circus artists.
Minimum Education Level
High School DiplomaCertification/License
Little Change or More Slowly than the AverageAthletic

Circus Performer


Set-Up/Clean-Up Crew Member or Animal Caretaker
- Actors
- Animators
- Art Directors
- Artist and Repertoire Workers
- Artists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Augmented Reality Developers
- Bloggers
- Book Editors
- Broadcast Engineers
- Camera Operators
- Cartoonists
- Choreographers
- Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
- Clowns
- Columnists
- Comedians
- Comic Book Writers
- Composers and Arrangers
- Computer and Video Game Designers
- Content Management Specialists
- Copy Editors
- Copywriters
- Costume Designers
- Dance School Owners and Managers
- Dancers
- Digital Agents
- Disc Jockeys
- Editors
- Fashion Illustrators
- Fashion Writers and Editors
- Film and Television Directors
- Film and Television Editors
- Film and Television Extras
- Film and Television Producers
- Food Writers and Editors
- Foreign Correspondents
- Graphic Designers
- Illustrators
- Internet Content Curators
- Internet Developers
- Lighting Technicians
- Literary Agents
- Magazine Editors
- Magicians
- Makeup Artists
- Motion Graphics Artists
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Producers
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musicians
- News Anchors
- Newspaper Editors
- Non-Fungible Token Artists
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Photo Editors
- Photographers
- Photojournalists
- Playwrights
- Podcasters
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Production Assistants
- Production Designers and Art Directors
- Radio and Television Announcers
- Radio and Television Program Directors
- Radio Producers
- Reporters
- Science and Medical Writers
- Screenwriters
- Show Runners
- Singers
- Social Media Workers
- Songwriters
- Sports Broadcasters and Announcers
- Sports Photographers
- Sportswriters
- Stage Directors
- Stage Managers
- Stage Production Workers
- Stunt Performers
- Talent Agents and Scouts
- Theater Managers
- Video Game Art Directors
- Video Game Producers
- Video Game Testers
- Webmasters
- Writers