One of the best ways to learn more about the solar energy industry is to read solar-related publications. “Careers in Solar Power,” by James Hamilton (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2011, Report 2) is a great resource. It offers information on solar power, educational requirements, career options, and required credentials. It can be accessed at Learn more about solar energy by reading magazines such as Solar Industry (, and Solar Today ( Visit Web sites like Build It Solar ( to find all sorts of links to solar projects, designs, and experiments that you might even be interested in doing yourself. You can set up a small solar system at home and see firsthand how it works.
Industry associations and government agencies also hold many competitions designed to promote solar power. You can visit the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Web site ( for a list of student programs and competitions held throughout the United States. One such contest is the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon, which “challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are affordable, energy-efficient, and attractive.” Visit for more information.
You can also participate in an interview with a solar energy industry professional. Ask your science teacher to help set up an interview.
- Bioenergy/Biofuels Workers
- Biofuels Processing Technicians
- Biofuels Production Managers
- Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
- Biomass Plant Technicians
- Biomass Power Plant Managers
- Energy Brokers
- Energy Conservation Technicians
- Environmental Engineers
- Environmental Lobbyists
- Environmental Planners
- Environmental Scientists
- Environmental Technicians
- Fuel Cell Engineers
- Fuel Cell Technicians
- Fuel Cell Technology Workers
- Futurists
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Geothermal Energy Industry Workers
- Geothermal Production Managers
- Geothermal Technicians
- Green Builders
- Green Transportation Careers
- Hydroelectric Plant Technicians
- Hydroelectric Production Managers
- Hydropower and Marine Energy Industry Workers
- Renewable Energy Careers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Renewable Energy Site Assessors
- Solar Energy Installation Managers
- Solar Energy Sales Representatives
- Solar Engineers
- Solar Thermal Installers and Technicians
- Wind Energy Engineers
- Wind Energy Industry Workers
- Wind Energy Operations Managers
- Wind Energy Project Managers