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Diet and Fitness Writers

Education and Training Requirements

High School

While in high school, build a broad educational foundation by taking courses in English, literature, health, science, computer science, and typing. The ability to type and a familiarity with computers are extremely important if you want to pursue a career in writing.

Postsecondary Training

Competition for writing jobs in the diet and fitness arena is very strong. A college education may not be required, but it helps to establish your skills as a writer. If you want to be hired full time as a diet or fitness writer, employers may prefer that you have a background in nutrition or sports fitness as well as course work in English or journalism. Some highly technical journals or scientific research publications require their writers to have a master's degree.

In addition to formal course work, most employers look for practical writing experience. Experience with high school and college newspapers, yearbooks, and literary magazines will make you a better candidate. In addition, experience with a small community newspaper, radio station, or local television station is also valuable. Many book publishers, magazines, newspapers, and radio and television stations have summer internship programs that provide valuable training if you want to learn about the publishing and broadcasting businesses. Interns do many simple tasks, such as running errands and answering phones, but some may be asked to perform research, conduct interviews, or even write some minor pieces. During these internships, express your interest in writing about health or fitness. That way, if such an assignment comes along, you may be the first to be asked to help.


Some colleges and universities offer certificates in writing. Earning this type of certificate will help you to hone your writing skills and become a more attractive job candidate. Schools also offer certificate programs in health, wellness, and fitness, and exercise physiology that will help you to expand your knowledge of these areas. Contact colleges and universities in your area to learn more.

Other Education or Training

Continuing education seminars, webinars, and other learning opportunities are provided by professional associations, online learning platforms, and colleges and universities that allow writers to build their writing, editing, marketing, and business management skills. Contact these organizations for more information.