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Library Media Specialists

Education and Training Requirements

High School

You should prepare for this field of library media by taking a strong college preparatory course load, including classes in English, speech, science, foreign languages, history, geography, and mathematics. Additional study in communications, broadcasting, graphic arts, photography, and videography will give you good background knowledge of the materials you will use every day as a library media specialist. You may also consider taking courses in psychology, sociology, education, and child development to help you learn about the different age groups you will encounter in your profession, and how you can best help them in your role as a library media specialist. Computer science classes are also very important because they will help you learn more about technology and the Internet.

Postsecondary Training

After high school, you should earn an undergraduate degree in the liberal arts, educational media, or instructional technology. Depending on the major you choose, you will probably need to take courses in English, communications, speech, and computer science. All of these courses can further your expertise with the tools you will use as a media specialist. Additional studies in child development and education will prepare you for working with all age groups, and will make it easier for you to achieve teacher's certification when you are ready to begin working as a professional library media specialist.

Although some current library media specialists presently have only bachelor's degrees, the American Library Association (ALA) recommends that entry-level library media specialist positions require a master's degree in library and information science or a master's degree with a specialty in school library media, educational media, instructional technology, communications, or education. Certain master's programs that prepare for a specialization in school library media are accredited by the ALA or by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. In a master's degree program, a typical course load would include classes in cataloging, reference sources, children's and young-adult literature, library automation, library-oriented computer technology, and media program management.


Colleges and universities offer certificate programs in library science, library technology, library media, library management, and related fields. Programs typically last six months to a year and are available in online, in-person, and hybrid formats. The American Library Association provides a list of certificate programs on its Web site,

Other Education or Training

Participating in continuing education classes is an excellent way to keep your skills up to date and become a more attractive job candidate. These opportunities are provided by the American Association of School Librarians, American Library Association, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Association for Information Science and Technology, Association for Library Service to Children, and the Young Adult Library Services Association.