Your first opportunity to see what goes on in a library media center will be personal experience in an elementary, middle, or high school library media center. You may have the chance to take part in a class in which a library media specialist teaches you how to use the Internet to locate information. Or you may also work alone in the library media center, utilizing the various print or audiovisual sources to complete a school project. In these and many other cases, you will get an idea of the informational tools available in library media centers, as well as the responsibilities held by specialists in making sure that those tools are used effectively and efficiently.
If you are interested in becoming a media specialist, volunteer to work in your school's media programs. Perhaps your school offers a library club for its students. You might also read books, periodicals, and blogs that deal with visual aids and education, and try to find summer or part-time employment with stores that sell audiovisual aids or companies that produce audiovisual equipment or software. The American Library Associations offers a list of useful blogs on its Web site, Student memberships in professional library organizations are often available (and affordable). If you are considering a career in librarianship, try contacting a professional librarian association. You may be able to join the organization, attend professional meetings, or meet individually with librarians who can offer you advice on how you can learn more about this career.
Participate in summer exploration programs in library science for teens that are offered by colleges and universities to build your skills and meet people with shared interests.
- Acquisitions Librarians
- Archivists
- Book Conservators
- Children's Librarians
- Corporate Librarians
- Database Specialists
- Exhibit Designers
- Film and Video Librarians
- Information Brokers
- Law Librarians
- Librarians
- Library and Information Science Instructors
- Library Assistants
- Library Directors
- Library Technicians
- Medical Librarians
- Music Librarians