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Mutual Fund Customer Service Representatives

Education and Training Requirements

High School

You’ll need strong communication skills and the ability to use database and customer relationship management software to have a successful career in customer service, so take classes in English, speech, and computer science. Other recommended courses include marketing, business, economics, accounting, mathematics, psychology, history, and social studies. Finally, take a foreign language such as Spanish because CSRs who are multilingual often have improved job prospects.

Postsecondary Education

A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is needed for most jobs, but some mutual fund companies hire applicants who have a combination of some postsecondary education and customer service experience, and then train them on the job. Customer service representatives have degrees in a variety of areas including communications, English, public relations, marketing, finance, accounting, and business.

Other Education or Training

The International Customer Management Institute offers online and in-person courses that help customer service representatives keep their skills up to date. Recent classes included An Agent’s Role in Contact Centers, Blending Sales and Service, Managing Customer Contacts with Quality, and Managing Difficult Customers. Contact the institute for more information. 


Some colleges and universities provide certificates in customer service, public relations, and related fields. Contact schools in your area to learn what opportunities are available. 

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