The Animal Behavior Society (ABS) provides a plethora of information for those interested in this field. The organization brings together people interested in the biological study of animal behavior. They provide a voluntary certification of applied animal behaviorist. Learn more about them on the Web at
Other organizations include the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants ( and the International Association of Canine Professionals (
- Agricultural Scientists
- Animal Breeders and Technicians
- Animal Caretakers
- Animal Handlers
- Animal Physical Therapists
- Animal Trainers
- Aquaculturists
- Aquarists
- Arborists
- Astrobiologists
- Biochemical Engineers
- Biochemists
- Bioinformatics Specialists
- Biologists
- Biomedical Engineers
- Biomedical Equipment Technicians
- Biophysicists
- Biosecurity Monitors
- Biotechnology Production Workers
- Biotechnology Research Assistants
- Botanists
- Climate Scientists
- CRISPR Scientists
- Cytogenetic Technologists
- Cytotechnologists
- Drug Developers
- Environmental Scientists
- Epidemiologists
- Epigenetics Researchers
- Genetic Counselors
- Genetic Engineers
- Genetic Genealogists
- Genetic Scientists
- Laboratory Technicians and Technologists
- Laboratory Testing Technicians
- Marine Biologists
- Medical Scientists
- Microbiologists
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- Naturalists
- Neuroscientists
- Nuclear Medicine Physicians
- Pathologists
- Pet Shop Workers
- Pet Sitters
- Physicians
- Preventive Medicine Physicians
- Rewilders
- Veterinarians
- Veterinary Technicians
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors
- Zookeepers
- Zoologists