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Genetic Scientists


Genetic scientists, or geneticists, study heredity. They study plants as well as animals, including humans. Geneticists conduct research on how characteristics are passed from one generation to the next through the genes present in each cell of an organism. This research often involves manipulating or altering particular genetic characteristics to better understand how genetic systems work. For instance, genetic scientists may breed a family of mice with a tendency toward high blood pressure to test the effects of exercise or diet on that condition. Their work adds to the body of biological knowledge and helps prevent inheritable diseases. Genetics is a component of just about every area of biology and can be found in many biology subfields. Rapidly growing specialty areas include the fields of genetic counseling and medical genetics, and genomic medicine (the use of genetic information to improve health outcomes).

Salary Range

$25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree




Much Faster than the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Professor or Manager

Genetic Scientist

Genetic Technician

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