Ethnoscientists advance by producing high-quality research and publishing articles or books. They might come to be known as experts in their field. They might become the head of a research project. The advancement path of ethnoscientists who teach in universities is instructor to assistant professor to associate professor to full professor. A full professor might eventually become a department head.
- Anthropologists
- Archaeologists
- Archivists
- Artists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Book Conservators
- College Professors
- Composers and Arrangers
- Conservators and Conservation Technicians
- Cultural Advisers
- Demographers
- Economists
- Education Directors and Museum Teachers
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers
- Environmental Education Program Directors
- Exhibit Designers
- Foreign Service Officers
- Futurists
- Gallery Owners and Directors
- Genealogical Researchers
- Genealogists
- Geographers
- Grant Coordinators and Writers
- Historians
- Historic Preservationists
- Interpreters
- Lexicographers
- Linguists
- Medical Ethicists
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Museum Attendants
- Museum Directors and Curators
- Museum Technicians
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Librarians
- Music Producers
- Music Teachers
- Music Therapists
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners
- Musicians
- National Park Service Employees
- Political Scientists
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Recreational Therapists
- Secondary School Teachers
- Sign Language and Oral Interpreters
- Singers
- Sociologists
- Songwriters
- Statisticians
- Taxidermists
- Tour Guides
- Translators
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors
- Zookeepers
- Zoologists