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Education Directors and Museum Teachers


Museums, zoos, and botanical gardens are visited by people who come to learn and observe. Education directors, or curators of education, help these people enrich their visits. Education directors plan, develop, and administer educational programs at museums and other similar institutions. They plan tours, lectures, and classes for individuals, school groups, and special interest groups.

Museum teachers, also known as museum educators, are hired by directors to provide information, share insight, and offer explanations of exhibits. Direct communication ranges from informal explanations at staff previews of a new exhibit, to addressing corporate donor groups, to assisting groups of schoolchildren. Museum teachers may write exhibit labels, prepare catalogs, or contribute to multimedia installations. Museum teachers also teach by demonstration, conducting studio classes or leading field trips.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree




About as Fast as the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Curator or Museum Executive

Education Director

Content Specialist

Museum Teacher or Resource Coordinator

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