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Health Educators


Health educators teach individuals, families, and their communities about the benefits of good health and the steps (e.g., not or stopping smoking, following a healthy diet, undergoing regular screenings for colon and other cancers, getting vaccinations) one can take to reduce the risk of illness and early death. They talk to people one-on-one, give presentations to large groups, create webinars to reach online audiences, prepare flyers that are mailed to the public or posted online, and do whatever else it takes to educate the public and promote good health. Approximately 62,100 health educators are employed in the United States. Health educators are also known as health education specialists.

Salary Range

$25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree




Faster than the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
College Professor or Health Care Executive

Director of Health Education

Health Educator

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