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Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides


Occupational therapy assistants (also called OTAs) help people with mental, physical, developmental, or emotional limitations using a variety of activities to improve basic motor functions and reasoning abilities. They work under the direct supervision of an occupational therapist, and their duties include helping to plan, implement, and evaluate rehabilitation programs designed to regain patients' self-sufficiency and to restore their physical and mental functions. There are 44,990 occupational therapy assistants employed in the United States.

Occupational therapy aides help OTAs and occupational therapists by doing such things as clerical work, preparing therapy equipment for a client's use, and keeping track of supplies. Approximately 7,560 occupational therapy aides are employed in the United States.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000

Minimum Education Level

Some Postsecondary Training




Much Faster than the Average
Personality Traits

Hands On



Career Ladder
Lead Occupational Therapy Assistant

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Occupational Therapy Aide

Volunteer Occupational Therapy Aide

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