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Directors of Telehealth


Telehealth is a digital health care service in which physicians and other health care professionals diagnose, treat, provide therapy, and monitor the health of patients who are at home or in other remote locations. There are five types of telehealth: live video conferencing, patient remote monitoring technology, store-and-forward (i.e., patients send information digitally to a provider for later review); mobile health (i.e., the use of mobile devices, such as a cellphone or a tablet, to support health care practices); and eHealth (i.e., a broader category that includes mobile health but also other records that cannot be stored within mobile health applications). Phone calls, emails, and secure messaging technology may also be incorporated into telehealth services. Directors of telehealth develop, implement, and manage telehealth programs. They also are known as telehealth coordinators, telehealth directors, and telehealth program directors.

Some people use the terms “telehealth” and “telemedicine” interchangeably, but they are different. Telehealth refers to both clinical and remote non-clinical services (including the digital education of medical practitioners), while telemedicine focuses solely on providing remote clinical services to patients.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree




Faster than the Average
Personality Traits

Hands On



Career Ladder
Consultant, Business Owner, or Professor

Chief Medical Officer

Director of Telehealth

Lower-Level Telehealth Professional

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