Salary Range
$25,000 to $100,000+
Naturopaths—also called naturopathic physicians, naturopathic doctors, and N.D.'s—are licensed health professionals who practice an approach to health care called naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine (also called naturopathy) is a distinct system of health care that uses a variety of natural approaches to health and healing, including clinical nutrition, counseling, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and physical therapy. Naturopaths recognize the integrity of the whole person, and they emphasize the individual's inherent capacity for self-healing. Some naturopaths are not licensed health professionals but have studied the field of naturopathy through correspondence programs, under the supervision of other naturopaths, or completed some other type of certificate-granting program. This article, however, focuses primarily on the career of naturopathic doctors.
Minimum Education Level
Much Faster than the AverageHelpful


Assistant Naturopath
- Aromatherapists
- Ayurvedic Doctors and Practitioners
- Biofeedback Therapists
- Chiropractors
- Creative Arts Therapists
- Herbalists
- Holistic Physicians
- Homeopaths
- Horticultural Therapists
- Hypnotherapists
- Kinesiologists
- Massage Therapists
- Music Therapists
- Myotherapists
- Nurse-Midwives
- Oriental Medicine Practitioners
- Recreational Therapists
- Reflexologists