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Nurse Assistants


Nurse assistants (also called nurse aides, orderlies, or hospital attendants) work under the supervision of nurses and handle much of the personal care needs of the patients. This allows the nursing staff to perform their primary duties more effectively and efficiently. Nurse assistants help move patients, assist in patients' exercise and nutrition needs, and oversee patients' personal hygiene. Nurse assistants may also be required to take patients to other areas of the hospital for treatment, therapy, or diagnostic testing. They are required to keep charts of their work with their patients for review by other medical personnel and to comply with required reporting. There are more than 1.56 million nurse assistants in the United States, and about 38 percent of them are employed in nursing care facilities.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $50,000

Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma




Faster than the Average
Personality Traits


Hands On


Career Ladder
Medication Aide

Nurse Assistant

Nurse Assistant Trainee

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