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Fire Safety Technicians

Advancement Prospects

Examples of advanced positions are described in the following paragraphs.

Fire prevention analysts analyze overall fire-prevention systems in an organization and confer with fire inspectors to obtain detailed information and recommend policies and programs for fire prevention.

Fire protection engineers combine their engineering and management skills to perform a broad range of jobs. Some work as fire protection designers, creating systems that automatically detect and suppress fires. Some design fire alarm, smoke control, emergency lighting, communication, and exit systems. These engineers also perform fire-safety evaluations of buildings and industrial complexes. Some research the behavior and control of fire. Others analyze risk management and assessment for industrial applications. Fire protection engineers also investigate fires or explosions, preparing technical reports or providing expert courtroom testimony on the facts of the incident.

Deputy fire marshals inspect possible fire hazards and analyze the amount of loss resulting from a fire. If necessary, they have the authority to condemn buildings. They report cases of arson and work with district attorneys to prosecute arsonists. This is an appointed position, although those holding the position usually have considerable fire experience.

Fire captains work under the supervision of a fire chief on a military base or in a municipal area. They are responsible for fire protection in a specific location. Fire chiefs oversee firefighting units in a municipal area. Several fire captains may report to and support the activities of this administrator.

Advancement can also include an officer position in the fire-prevention bureau or moving to the building department.

Owners of fire equipment or consulting businesses employ fire prevention and control technicians and specialists, who contract for, deliver, and install equipment and provide training and other services in fire prevention.