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Plasma Physicists

Employment Prospects


Plasma physicists work for private and public research institutions, as well as for colleges and universities as researchers and educators. Federal employers include the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, national laboratories, and other agencies and entities. In the private sector, plasma scientists work for semiconductor firms, space integrator companies, and other companies that utilize plasma physics to create products. Some plasma physicists are employed by consulting firms that provide technical expertise to the aforementioned employers. Others launch their own consulting firms.

Starting Out

Many companies, government agencies, and other employers send recruiters to college campuses to identify top job candidates. Students should also attend career and science fairs to learn about job openings and interview opportunities. Creating a LinkedIn account to attract the interest of recruiters is another popular job-search strategy. Many people learn about job openings by visiting the Web sites of target employers and through contacts made via networking.

The American Physical Society offers job listings, information on job fairs that are held at its meetings; and internship and fellowship listings at It also offers a Professional Guidebook ( that offers advice on the job-search process. Some of its sections include Begin Planning Your Career; You Have a Lot to Offer: Let’s Take a Skills Inventory; Building Your Network; Strengthening Your Network with Informational Interviews; Putting Together Your Effective Resume; and Interviewing and Negotiation.

Those interested in positions with federal agencies should visit the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's website,