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Image Consultants


An image consultant's earnings are determined by the number of hours the consultant works, the type of clientele, and the consultant's location. Some image consultants increase their incomes by offering additional personal care, sales, and communication services. The greater variety of services an image consultant can offer to a client will enhance his or her earning potential, and bilingual communication abilities are also a plus in this field.

Image consultants earned salaries that ranged from $11,000 to $147,500 in 2024, according to They earned average salaries of $98,000. Other sources report a lower average of $50,000.

Many image consultants work part-time because they are unable to land enough clients to make consulting a full-time career. In this situation, an image consultant may only earn $15,000 or so a year.

Because most image consultants are self-employed, they must provide their own health insurance and other benefits. However, a few image consultants are employed by businesses such as HairClub, which do provide health insurance and other benefits for image consultants.