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Home Banking Rankings

Best Banking Firms to Work For

Prestige isn't everything. These are the firms that bankers find the most amenable to a satisfying work experience.
Survey Methodology

In addition to ranking other firms in terms of prestige, survey respondents were asked to rate their own firms in a variety of categories. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, respondents evaluated their firms in various "quality of life" areas. A firm's score in each category is simply the average of those rankings.

Firms with fewer than 15 responses for any given question were excluded from that ranking category.

Take Our Survey

Each year Vault invites eligible investment banking firms to participate in our annual Banking Survey. Please contact us if you’re interested in having your firm considered for inclusion.

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2024 Best Banking Firms for Benefits

SCORE 9.024
2023 Rank 3
SCORE 8.972
2023 Rank 2
SCORE 8.696
2023 Rank 6
SCORE 8.448
2023 Rank 4
SCORE 8.430
2023 Rank 5
SCORE 8.352
2023 Rank 7
SCORE 8.325
2023 Rank 1
SCORE 8.300
2023 Rank 8
SCORE 7.939
2023 Rank 13
SCORE 7.877
2023 Rank 9