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Casino Managers

Advancement Prospects

Casino managers may climb the career ladder in a number of ways. Some individuals obtain experience and then locate similar jobs in larger or more prestigious casinos. This results in increased responsibilities and earnings. Others are promoted to positions such as casino general manager or the vice president of casino operations.

It is important to note that there are no hard and fast rules for climbing the career ladder in the gaming industry. While work performance is important, advancement in this and many other casino jobs is based on experience, education, training, employee attitude, customer service, and of course individual career aspirations.

Casinos like to promote from within. The best way to advance your career in a casino is to get your foot in the door, get experience, learn new skills and then look for opportunities of interest to you. Look for classes or seminars offered in either casino management or another area of the gaming industry. In addition to learning new things, these classes give you the opportunity to network and meet new people who are often helpful in pushing your career to a new level. Similarly, try to attend gaming conferences and expos. The Global Gaming Expo (G2E), presented annually by the American Gaming Association (AGA) is one of the largest gaming expos in the world and offers a plethora of seminars in a variety of areas. It is a great way to network and meet potential new employers. Read more about it online at their Web site