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Casino Managers

The Job

Casino managers, also referred to as managers or gaming managers, hold an important position in the casino. They are in charge of handling the day-to-day management of the gaming area and overseeing the operation of the casino. They are responsible for a wide array of tasks within the casino.

In order to run efficiently, casinos have operating policies formulated by the board of directors, CEO, or president of the company with the assistance of the executive vice president and the vice president of casino operations. Casino managers help administer these policies. Within these guidelines, they organize, plan, and direct the gaming operations in the facility.

Individuals are responsible for monitoring and observing the gaming areas and overseeing the management of table games and slots in the casino. They must make sure all games are played in accordance with federal and state governmental regulations, and monitor compliance with regulatory requirements.

It is important that the casino manager is a presence in the casino. He or she will often walk through the gaming area to observe the activities of both guests and employees to assure that rules are being followed and no cheating is occurring. The casino manager is expected to oversee and coordinate security services in the facility. As part of the job, he or she assures the security and protection of the casino bankroll. He or she additionally is in charge of preparing and tracking the cash flow of the casino.

The casino manager is in charge of overseeing employees working in the gaming area and supervising casino management personnel. Depending on the structure of the casino, personnel may include the assistant casino manager, casino operations managers, assistant casino operations managers, casino administrators, casino credit managers, and shift bosses. Casino managers may help select, hire, train and schedule employees. As part of the job, managers are expected to build a good working relationship with casino employees, an essential ability for maintaining employee loyalty to the casino.

An important function of the casino manager's job is promoting good customer relations. He or she is responsible for handling problems on the gaming floor and dealing with customer complaints. At times, the casino manager will comp (or provide) rooms, meals, show tickets, etc., to patrons who are spending a lot of money gambling. Those who are most successful in these jobs create an environment that is totally customer service oriented and fun.